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Author Topic: New chin parent  (Read 1397 times)

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New chin parent
« on: November 12, 2013, 12:58:34 AM »

After months of wishing, it finally happened; I got my first chinchilla on the 9th and I'm in love!
He's a little two month old ebony, who was born and raised at a pet store with caring employees,
So he's very social and adapting. I did a lot of research before getting him and got all the proper necessities so I do know the basics, but I'm overly concerned and cautious with my new baby so I do have a few questions ;
Firstly, how often do chins pee? He's been eating, pooping and drinking just fine but he hasn't peed since his first hour home, is that normal? And also, he goes about and plays for 20 minutes among his cage and then he either hides away or stares into space for 30 mins. I assume its because he's a baby and gets tuckered out quick but I'd like someone else's opinion, oh and he hasn't slept for more than an hour straight, just lots of lil naps, so is there anything I should be concerned about?


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: New chin parent
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2013, 06:46:04 AM »

That's a great age to raise a chinchilla. Yes baby chinchillas do take frequent naps just like kittens or puppies do. Naturally chinchillas are more active at night and sleep during the day so you have that too. By socializing with them during the day sometimes they will adjust their sleep schedule but usually you will notice that pattern. I've had mine since three months and I noticed he did take a lot of naps the first month I had him although not to that degree. He is also a very tame pet and will allow me to play with him during the day and wake him up without too much resistance but certain times a day he does not want to be bothered at all.

Chinchillas pee several times a day but as frequently as dogs or cats, at least, from what I have observed. Since my chinchilla is right next to my desk I can observe his daily routine pretty closely. I would say he urinates in the morning about the time I get up, again at about 12PM and again before dinner that I can tell. But it's not like I'm keeping track. Mine does drink almost no water during the day and almost all of it at night when I am asleep so I suspect he pees more after dark.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: New chin parent
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2013, 12:37:22 PM »

Thankyou for the advice!
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