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Author Topic: Is it safe to spray Glade or air wick in a room occupied by chins?  (Read 7857 times)

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Jo Ann

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Re: Is it safe to spray Glade or air wick in a room occupied by chins?
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2013, 10:11:31 AM »

 :)  Depending on what type of central air circulation system you have will decide how much of the smell/scents/deodorizers move from one room to another via the central air system.  The frequency in which you change the air filters to your heating/cooling system will also have an effect on how much of the 'fumes/smell' travel from one room to another, since you keep the door to the chin's room closed.  (Also, changing the filters frequently tends to lower your utility cost and causes less strain on your heating/cooling system while making it work more efficiently.)  Nothing works 100%.   During the spring, summer and fall months, we often are able to open the windows to 'air-out' the house.   Air pollution inside most homes is worse than the air pollution outside, especially in the winter months, because the lack of fresh air circulating within the home itself.  I usually keep at least two windows (one upstairs and one downstairs) in the house cracked year round.  Only 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch can be a huge help in supplying fresh air in your home without changing the temperature or heating/cooling bills drastically. 

Keep in mind germs from the flu or a cold (and other sources) not only survive, but thrive, in the normal temperature in most homes.  Everyone needs fresh air!   ::nod::  And, yes, chinchillas are capable of having the flu or a cold or anallergic reaction ... but ... their lungs are very tiny and are not developed to withstand exposure to these viruses.  When others are sick, do not let them near your chins.  If you are sick ... wash your hands, wear a mask and have an apron or cover you can wear over your clothes when you enter their room to care for them.  They are much like little babies and you are their parent(s).  Protect them.    ::silly:: ::silly:: ::silly::

Keep us posted!

 ::wave::   Jo Ann
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Re: Is it safe to spray Glade or air wick in a room occupied by chins?
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2013, 09:56:31 AM »

Well the girlfriend and me have reached a compromise. I put a draft blocker against the door crack.  This will not solve the problem entirely due to the central air and heat system in place, but on the warmer winter days I can crack the window in their room open.   She continues to complain about them just being in our unit. My parents have offered to let me move them back to their place but she  doesn't like that idea..... ::)

 Anyway regarding colds and flu, I was told by the exotic vet that chins are immune to human cold and flu. They certainly did recommend not coughing on them though.

One night girlfriend comes to my workplace and tells me Bonnie was barking so she went in to investigate and she is sprayed with urine. She then grbs Bonnie and holds her while she is squeaking. I took her to the vet the next day and was ok physically. Just emotional trauma.  She's doing better now but growled last night when Rachel came into the room.  Raisin just recovered from conjunctivitis, but aside from that all chins are happy and healthy. I just filled their stockings this morning  ::chinhappy::
Chip Raisin Bonnie Clyde
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