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Author Topic: Chin in a lot of pain  (Read 1430 times)

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Chin in a lot of pain
« on: January 04, 2014, 04:44:45 PM »

i've got a 7 month old chinchilla who's been ill for the last 3 days with an infection, i took him to the vet immediately and they put him on antibiotics.
he had a shot once a day for the last 3 days and today was his last.
he looked as though he was getting better. he started playing again and biting at us (in a nice way)
but now he's suddenly started making a lot of noises as though he's in pain. he keeps whimpering and flinching and sneezing.
its became constant and its actually heartbreaking to watch.
but he's still running about and being active and he's eating and drinking.
He had a brother who died of the same infection a week ago because we didn't catch it in time, but we took this one to the vets immediately the day he started showing symptoms so we think he's got a lot more of a chance.
so as its the weekend and no vets are open tomorrow, I'm hoping someone has some information that might help.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Chin in a lot of pain
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2014, 05:58:08 PM »

I'm going to have to assume you are talking about a respiratory infection here.

Sometimes there are emergency vet clinics available if you are willing to go the distance. The one we like to use is about 100 miles away. If it's a respiratory infection it might be your only chance to prevent it from spreading to the lungs and causing pneumonia, which, is almost always fatal in rodents. You will need stronger or different antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medications, and certainly an exam to determine the cause of the pain. It sounds like the antibiotics were not effective and the infection has returned. Pain is very dangerous to chinchillas and may result in anorexia and potentially shock.

Usually veterinarians prescribe oral antibiotics, in which case, there is a risk your chinchilla will stop eating because it can affect their bowels. It's important to have everything needed to syringe feed a recovery diet through the course of antibiotics. Some people lose chinchillas because they stop eating from antibiotics and they don't catch it. Much more than a day without food causes serious digestive complications that are sometimes fatal. Do not stop the course of antibiotics early.
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Re: Chin in a lot of pain
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2014, 11:00:15 AM »

hi thanks for the reply

yeah its a respiratory infection, they gave him injections of antibiotics once a day for 3 days and they said that should cover him.

its just strange because he seems to be acting his normal self, like jumping at the cage door to get out when i open it and running around and jumping on everything when he's out like his usual self. and he WAS eating fine but today and yesterday it doesn't really look like he's eat much of his food and i only noticed this because i noticed he wasn't pooing as much as he usually does.

so hes sneezing and whimpering, and he hasn't been pooing much or eating as much as usual either.

but he's acting very happy as though it doesn't even bother him, its confusing me and considering his brother showed different symptoms when he died I'm not sure whats going on



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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Chin in a lot of pain
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2014, 03:16:02 PM »

Chinchillas are good at hiding sickness until they are critically ill. Sometimes by the time they show symptoms it is too late to save them. If you can keep him on his food you may be able to save your pet.

I still recommend going to the vet to get an exam to determine the cause of the pain. Obviously something is seriously wrong. See if you can find a specialist that has experience with rodents and rabbits. The symptoms you describe are not typical of a respiratory infection other than the sneezing but because of the recent history of infection I can't help but to think it is somehow related. Another thing you should ask your vet about is tooth problems. You may need an x-ray or visual examination of the teeth.

If you're noticing a difference in fecal output and decreased food intake you are heading for trouble fast. See if you can at least find a local vet clinic that will sell you a recovery diet and a feeding syringe. Try to get 10cc down today if possible.
If you can't get a recovery diet from a vet clinic, such as critical care for herbivores, the next best thing is to make a mix. See if you can grind his pelleted diet and add some water until it becomes mushy and see if you can get him to eat it off a spoon. I'm not sure if that would fit through a syringe. If that is all you can do try to get about a level teaspoon today if you can. Do not use sugar to sweeten anything and withhold any treats. Sugar can cause dangerous gas buildup in a compromised chinchilla.
I hope things go well for you.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.
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