About 8 days ago I noticed that my 4 year old chinchilla, Pukis (male) started acting ill - sneezing, breathing strangely. He was still running around, being active as always, eating food, drinking water. I got worried about him and asked my father to take him to the vet.
When my dad came back from the vet, he told me the news. Bad news. Upper respiratory tract infection. The vet had given Pukis antibiotics (don't know the name) and told us to come every single day for the shot.
However, from that day, Pukis' condition had only been getting worse

. He completely stopped eating (and drinking), his energy levels were just going down...
It's been a week from the first vet visit now. Yesterday, the vet said that Pukis won't be getting any more antibiotics (since they're not helping and it's been a whole week) and he has to start eating. If he doesn't, he'll die... That whole week we tried offering him food, but to no avail.
Today I tried force feeding him. At first I tried it with some yogurt, then, with water. He fights and pushes the squirt out of his way. And when I do manage to put some of the content into his mouth, he swallows it very hard - he is choking, coughing...
I noticed that he cannot breathe through his nose anymore - it looks like it's blocked. He can only breathe through his mouth now (that explains the choking)... It is really sad and painful for me to watch him

I am currently crying my eyes out. I don't want to see Pukis suffering, but I also don't want him to die!

I'll be going to the vet today. I'm not sure what she'll do, but maybe she'll think of something.
Maybe I can help Pukis in some way? Is there a way to unblock his nose, make him eat? Or could I suggest something to the vet?
I don't want to euthanize him... Please help, this is my last resort
