Heey, thanks for welcoming us here, we're really greatful for this site and it's been of great help
Videos are soon to come ^_^
Well, I'm no expert since I've only had Casper for a few months but there are a few things about which I feel like they helped us bond.
First, music. Music is something we both love. We didn't get off on the right foot - long story- but music realxed him and allowed us to have quality time. He loves Debussy, Beethoven, Bach, Paganini... Guns N'Roses, Queen.. haha. Quite a versatile taste, right?
Something else were the treats- at first raisins but now goji fruits. I only gave him treats in order to educate him and after learning something, I stoped treating him so he'd want to see what else can he do in order to receive them . Apparently, it worked. He goes back to his cage everytime i tap on the door without any problems. He gives kisses and he knows what not to chew on - which is amazing since i study architecture so my house is full of model making materials and papers.
Something I did and i noticed a lot of people advise against is that i let him out of his cage a lot. I let him play even 2-3 hours if i have the time to watch him, and I noticed that this makes him more obedient when it's time to go back to his cage because he knows he'll get plenty of play time the next day..... Maybe this is something that only works for my chinchilla, I don't know, but Casper is happy and this makes me happy