Erm... I love my little fella... feeling rather parental...
And now I know how MY parents feel lol... I'm having the ol' parental urge to find a nice loving wife for my kid, and see him with a child and family of his own... (not gonna let him leave my house though!)
Is this a good idea? Or am I just being unrealistic?
Cause, I have no intention of becoming a Chin breeder... I would limit them to a 1 child policy, and that's it. ... Only reason I didn't start him off with another female is cause I wanted him to bond faster and stronger with me, and having a rival for his affections might have gotten in the way. ... oh, yeah, I guess that there were logistics too, but mainly it was so he would bond solely to me...
so... happy with things the way they are now, but what would make Popsicle happiest? Are Chins social enough to want a wife and offspring? Or would he be equally happy with another male to buddy buddy with? Or is he fine with just me?
... Also, I'm 35, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to outlive the little fella... that makes me sad... ... now I know why Chinese and Japanese say there is a special section of Hell reserved especially for children who die before their parents... (utter nonsense, to me, but I understand how people felt it went against the whole filial piety thing)
... I guess I might be looking for ways to make Popsicle immortal, or at least pass down something of himself to another generation?

What's the oldest recommended for a male Chin to breed? Maybe once he's advancing in years, I'll get him a young wife, and I'll have Popsicle Jr? ... Or just let him have some illegitimate kids with some random female Chin belonging to someone else, and just take 1 male for myself?
... I'm... confused...
Maybe I just need to get married and have kids of my own, lol...