I've been exploring the board and I seem to have gone about things a bit backwards... I already started posting under various topics and I never told anyone who I am!

My name is Elizabeth and I live in Tucson. I currently have seven breeding pairs and one pair that will soon be added. I also am over-whelmed with chinnies for sale at the moment, so feel free to check out my profile to see pictures of them.

I work full time in a call center helping people get roadside assistance when they break down. I also am in school full time and will be getting my degree as a Veterinary Technician next spring. In my "spare time" (
what's that?) I run
The CHINformation Organization in an effort to help as many people as possible learn as much as they can about chinchillas. I also help to moderate
the chinchillin community on LiveJournal and I work to maintain my chinchilla website,
I love all of the wonderful changed taking place with The Chinchilla Club. Kudos on a job well done!