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Author Topic: reintroduce male and female after birth of kits  (Read 3890 times)

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reintroduce male and female after birth of kits
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:21:37 AM »

Bella delivered 4 kits 3 weeks ago today, i died at birth, i let dad in to visit about a week later, supervised with an open cage and two people to intervene if necessary (which it was lol)  the babies played with him & he was in no way aggressive toward them, anyway he is very depressed now, I've been told it is ok to put them back as a family after a few weeks, that he will not hurt them, I think i'm more concerned with back-breeding, in others experiences, how can i tell if she is no longer in heat? I'm just really concerned with his well being, he is a cuddled and even cages close together seems to make it worse for him


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Re: reintroduce male and female after birth of kits
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2014, 01:25:06 PM »

Chins are very protective of babies.  He shouldn't hurt the kits but it's quite likely the female will attack him.  It's better to wait until they are weaned.  If you want to try to put them together you need to put the male and female in a neutral place like an exercise pen or small room until they no longer get upset with each other and then intro the kits.  After they are getting along then you can try putting them in the same cage.  You should use the male's cage or strip the females cage so she doesn't claim it as her territory. 

Females come in to heat right after giving birth and then about every 24 days after that.  That's just an average though and you probably won't notice.  Sometimes you can see differences in the females genitals and they push out a small waxy plug similar to the plug that can be found after mating but smaller.  Most people never see it.  There might be some minor behavioral changes.


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Re: reintroduce male and female after birth of kits
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2014, 03:50:23 PM »

ok, she only seemed protective of her food lol, actually why i'm trying to push the cages is because her's right now is more geared toward newborns it is all wooden except the top, and our ac is completly out so i'm afraid of them overheating, where the males cage is the one him and her originally shared, its open all the way around with a plastic bottom & i reinforced the bars with 1/2 inch hardware wire, i did put her in the babies in there alone at one time, and one of them climbed 2 feet up to an opening (the only spot on the entire cage that wasn't covered, it was less than a 2 inch section but it found it) he was bonded with another who died 2 years ago during a severe summer storm that made our house into an oven, within a few hours the temps went to above 90 we got them out but he died a few days later and i'm certain that is the reason why. I can take that cage outside to the shade if necessary but i can't move what she is in, its to big and heavy & to be honest i cannot afford another cage at this time



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Re: reintroduce male and female after birth of kits
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2014, 10:40:58 PM »

Time is the key. However; it'll help if you spend extra cuddle / love time with him.  :)
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