I didn't mean to write a book but I want people to know that having a pet chinchilla is a big responsibility but shouldn't expect their animals to get sick without good cause and should definately not let worry outweigh the pleasure of keeping chinchillas as pets.
With something like chinchillas, especially as they are my first pet, of course I've done a lot of research on proper care and things. I know that they are quite prone to respiratory illnesses, and have delicate digestive systems.
The problem is, when you are learning, no one does tend to tell you how likely any of it is. It makes it sounds like the possibility for those things are very high.
I'm sorry to hear about your chinchilla, that must have been horrible for you.

I'm especially worried because they get to live to such a long age, and I know my heart would break if anything happened to them, even now. They're so beautiful, with great personalities.
My boyfriend own degus, so I at least have a little experience with exotic animals. Your comparison with other animals was really helpful, so thanks a lot for that! ^_^
I read your whole response, and I have no problems with "book-like". That's exactly what I need!
Thank you so much for your really detailed and informative response, I am largely reassured.
Like I said, I am confident about their living environment, it was mainly the ringworm thing, as I can only get to the doctor this friday.
Thanks again, I am very very very grateful that you bothered to type out something that long. It's very helpful!