Earlier today i had bought them both a new hide away and i gave them both a treat (Goji Berries)
So a while ago i went to check up on them and they were jumpy as usual chachi popcorns a lot and chunky is the fiesty one doesnt like to be petted or anything. But i notcied smushed poops so i said in my mind please dont let this be mushy poop...and surely it was so i started panicking and everything but them i remember i gave them a treat so i think this happend awhile back to but i didnt pay no attention because here poop went back to normal but this time i noticed it. I smelled the bag and it smelled like strong Smell like if they werent good. So i kept panicking and i cant really afford a vet visit until next monday :/. There poop is mushy, looks moist, dark brown or like brown. But mushy so im really worried im gonna have some Really sick chin(s). I gave them More Hay i give them Kaytee Timothy Hay and Oxbow Pellets and i refilled there bottle with slight cold water because they like it cold lol.
So if theres ways i can avoid this getting worse other then a vet visit please tell me because i want them better asap! My dads keeping a look out on the their poops and my grandma is too.
Oh yea i forgot there not watery, not sticking to there fur, or they dont have a smell either. There just mushy and thats it really.
Please help in some sort of way