When I first got my chin my ambition was to get him tame enough to sleep next to me. Well, not in my bed itself since I was worried about rolling over and squashing him.
Gave that up since the naughty fella needs supervising to stop him chewing on the wrong thing. Still... MAYBE someday...
at the moment, Popsicle is tame, but super naughty. He LOVES playing tag and hide and seek, and isn't happy when I get tired of chasing him and just read or something while waiting for him to come out of his hidey holes. I've inadvertently trained him that when I open his cage, he "initiates" playtime by having me stick my hand in his cage so he can run up my arm and then zoom past me and hide. If I just open his cage doors and wait, he doesn't really come out, he waits for me to stick my hand in, then does a little pre-game dance and sniff and me tickling him ritual thing, then zoom zoom.
I just bought a harness and leash so I can take him outside for walks, but if he really is this tame, or gets even more tame, I'll let him run around the condo garden free rein. (i did it once before, but with his favourite carry house which he uses as a rodent secret base, he went back in his rodent base once he got bored tired and hot enough... room is AC, outside is 85F)