She's getting too stressed. I think you should try to get her used to interaction more instead of leaving her be. It's just making her more stressed on those occasions you do handle her or probably even just basic cage stuff like filling food and cleaning. Rodents can even go in to seizures when they get really upset from handling or intros to new cage mates. Feed her a small, healthy treat and talk to her daily. Try to pet her a few times a week at first and eventually daily. For treats just something like a piece of sugar free cereal, twigs can be given infinitely, there are various flower products like rosehips and rose petals that are safe for daily use, plain old fashioned oatmeal, and many feed goji berries which are tiny little red dried berries. You have to watch your fingers with goji berries or oatmeal because they can get excited or if they are nervous they'll try to snatch the small chunk quickly getting your finger in the process. If she won't take treats yet do not chase her around with it. If possible don't even open the cage door. Just push it through the bars and leave it sit if she doesn't come take it. Putting it near a food dish or water bottle helps them notice it. I've also put bricks in the corners and set a treat on that or sprinkled some supplement for the breeding females and growing ones. They learn to check the bricks for tasty stuff and stand on them to beg.