I have two chins, Kina and Casper and I was away for three weeks and my family took care of them.
Tonight, when I came back, I noticed that Casper layed on his side for a few moments and that was something that he just wouldn't do. He was and is just as active as always and happy and curious so I didn't have any reason to worry - no food change, fresh water every day ( not tap water) regularly changed bedding- , but when I held him and looked closer, I noticed that some fur on his nose was missing.
I have a photo attached - best i could take, tempted him with a raisin so he's "stay put"... what do you think it could be? The skin looks normal, it isn't red or weird in any way..... My family didn't notice anything as Casper is not exactly the touchy kind - he actually screamed when i held him, again, this he would never do - so he wouldn't let them take really close looks.
I'm getting really nervous so if you have any idea of what it may be and what i could do for him.... I'll be forever in debt to you. Thank you in advance.