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Looking like
« on: August 14, 2014, 08:49:19 AM »

I have two chins. I'm concerned about one, though. He's a black velvet that is 11 years old. I noticed over the last few weeks he's started to develop a lump over his left arm/jaw. It's soft and saggy and it didn't appear to be bothering him whatsoever and I figured it was due to old age. Here's the problem and a little back ground: I moved from Cali just recently to Phoenix, AZ. I had a reliable vet there that has always treated them. Ive always been a responsible chin owner (for 13+ years, I had 3 chins but my very first passed away in 2010 from old age - he was a rescue I adopted that was treated horribly, so he was already several years old by the time I got him. I had him cremated and he's on my shelf as we speak to stay with me forever) So in the process of this move, to not put stress on them, I had them staying with my fiance for about a month while I got myself settled. Now...the last two weeks since I've moved them in with me (and trust me, this took awhile to figure out) I kept hearing a clicking sound coming from the kitchen in which they are in (you'd have to see pictures to see the design, but they're no where near any harmful appliances and directly right under the AC vent). It sounded JUST like the click you would hear when you light the pilot on a gas stove but not as rapid...just once in awhile and every time I walked into the kitchen, it would stop regardless of how long I stood there trying to figure out where this click was coming from. I though it may have been the chins but ever time it would happen, they were sound asleep and there's nothing for them to chew on to make that specific noise. On a hunch, I decided to check their teeth. Kip (my standard, also a rescue) let me see his teeth without a fight. Case, the one I'm worried about, fought me like crazy. I finally was able to get a peek. The very tip of his teeth are black but they're not long or crooked. Add this to the lump he's developed...I'm really worried. I know I need to get him to a vet but I can't seem to find one reliable in Phoenix. So two anyone familiar with the area that knows a good chin vet and does anyone think he's developing malocclusion? He's an old guy. So I don't know if this is age related. He's still eating but I've now noticed (since his teeth caused it to ring a bell in my brain) that he's losing disinterest in food. Please...if anyone has an opinion or can help, I'd appreciate it. Thank you.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Looking like
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2014, 09:34:59 AM »

That's a strange one. I don't know why the tip of a tooth would be black unless he got into something black. Perhaps the clicking noise you heard was him chewing on something that had some kind of black substance on it. Cage bars perhaps?

The squishy tumor things is troubling. That is something you may want to have biopsied. If its an infection/ abscess it should be treated quickly. Otherwise, a chinchilla of that age that has tumors, I probably wouldn't do anything too heroic but it is your call. The likeliness of him dying from post-surgical complications should be carefully considered.

Malocclusion usually results in weight loss, loss of appetite, and wasting. In severe cases you can sometimes feel it under their jaws like the bone is rough. If your pet is loosing weight and it is malo the only thing that can help you is to have its teeth floated, or if it's a rotten tooth, it must be removed, preferably in pairs. Usually a vet will examine the back teeth with a speculum which is usually done under anesthesia. Sometimes x-rays can reveal more.

One thing I've noticed is that vets that treat rabbits will usually treat chinchillas as they have similar (although not exact) needs and physiology. It's not ideal but a good rabbit vet is better than no vet especially with dental problems as the procedures are essentially the same. I'm not fully convinced it is a tooth problem though.

If treatment requires antibiotics, which is very likely, you must monitor his food and water intake daily and very carefully as they can stop eating and develop serious complications. Not always but when it happens it is fatal if anorexia is not identified and treated. Also you should monitor your chinchilla daily until he can see a vet and obtain supplies and instructions for hand feeding. If his food intake drops below 50% GI stasis may develop and he'll rapidly go downhill.

I recommend all chinchilla owners to weighs their pets at least once a week under normal circumstances. Consistent weight loss can identify problems early while they are still treatable.
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Re: Looking like
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2014, 10:52:56 AM »

Thanks for responding and all of this I agree with you. It doesn't have normal symptoms of malocclusion. He doesn't appear to be uncomfortable and he is still eating/drinking normally but he turned 11 in January (He's the only one I bought from a breeder, so I have his birth certificate...the other two I adopted so don't know their ages) he's coming up on the average 12. I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars to fix something when he only has so much time left....and make him miserable. Surgery with chinchilla's is risky business to begin with it and a lot do not recover. At that age, I don't see a point to it regardless. I'm very familiar when it comes to anti-biotics and I said, I've been an owner for over 13 years or so and I've been down that road a few times. That's when you have critical care and pedialyte on hand just in case. But it's like a light black but the rest of his teeth are the healthy orange color and and its at the tip of his teeth. There is nothing he could've gotten into that could've caused looks more like decay, not something he could've chewed on. Kip's teeth are fine. And I used to weigh them every few weeks (like once a month) just to make sure they're not losing anything, but I lost my gram scale in the move. He does not appear to be losing any weight.

Edit: Just to give more info....he's the only one I bought from a breeder. His mom was a ribbon winner in several shows. The other two were adopted (though one passed a few years ago like I said) and he seems to be okay. When I let them out for play, he's sluggish and tends to just hop around for a bit then just settle down on top a book shelf or a corner or something. I know he's old, so this is why I'm thinking it's age related. But he's still eating/drinking but I havent been able to monitor his weight. Im going to go buy a new scale..but he's always been chunky. And maybe the mass growing on his side will off-set me noticing his weight difference. The two adopted standards I have (only one now) were always around 400g's....he's a huge chin and has weighed anywhere from 850-900 grams DEPENDING on certain things.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 11:09:03 AM by neverenderday »


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Re: Looking like
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2014, 12:32:11 PM »

That is amazingly large for a male chin. Sounds like he had some excellent breeding.
If the teeth are decayed it may be because they are maloccluded. If they are maloccluded you can expect to see a weight loss trend followed by depression and anorexia. I highly recommend discussing this with a veterinarian who can actually see the teeth. Other than that there really isn't anything that can be done except to manage his weight as best as possible.
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Re: Looking like
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2014, 07:24:23 PM »

Thanks for the reply. I found a vet but it won't be til Monday. I didn't even notice his weight until I took a picture of him just now and compared it to others Ive had in the past of him. Yeah, he was bred really well. Like I said, his mother was a ribbon winner several times. I bought him cause I was thinking about showing him...but never did it. In the end, I wound up not caring about it. I was more concerned about chin's that didn't have homes. Heres a pic I just took of him. That's a huge mass. And it's developed very very quickly. There's nothing anyone can do at this point other than a vet...but I'm so afraid I'm looking at putting him down.


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Re: Looking like
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2014, 07:36:11 PM »

I'm sorry to hear that but I do think you are right. At least he has had a full and healthy life for a chinchilla.
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Re: Looking like
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2014, 07:48:14 PM »

Thank you for all your replies. He's had a wonderful life. All the toys and all the play times. But...I'm assuming you saw the picture and you're coming to the same conclusion I am.. :'( Its just...if that is what it turns out to be, what do I do with Kip being all alone? Start the heart break cycle all over again? I'm feeling stuck and paranoid and heart broken until I see the vet Monday.


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Re: Looking like
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2014, 02:33:17 AM »

He does look like he is in bad shape. Very sorry to hear of your situation. It is quite a terrible spot to be in. If it were me i would hope for the best but expect the worst unfortunately. Hopefully the vet will be able to do something.
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