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dental abscess
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:38:23 AM »

Around a week ago my chin developed a lump on the side of her mouth. I took her to the vets and they said its probably an abcess, gave a few days of antibiotics and said bring her back in 3 days and we will give her anesthetic and xray, have a proper look.
I dropped her off in the morning, then got a phone call later just saying shes ready to pick up. Walked into the reception and was asked to pay first, then noticed on the receipt it mentioned shed had it drained so I was happy thinking theyd fixed her up. I then spoke to the vet who said hed drained it and left the cut open, he said he found a loose tooth and removed it. He didnt want to cut the abscess out because he said its too big of an operation and would have to remove half the jaw. That all adds up and makes sense to me. He gave me some antibiotics and pain killers then said abcess may come back. How likely? "Quite likely". Well what sort of percentage do they come back? "Nearly every time, actually I can only think of once when it didnt". Oh so where do we go from there if it comes back? "Well if it does then theres nothing else we can really do".
So from this am I right in thinking it was ridiculous to operate on her then tell me theres hardly any chance of success? Shouldnt he have spoke to me before hand and informed me of what it could be and asked if id want him to go ahead and put her through the operation?
Now I have her home Im cleaning the wound with salty water 4 times a day, giving antibiotics twice a day.
Id just like to know if anyone has advice or experience to share with me? I feel like the vets basicly wrote off her chances, but cant understant why he thought it was okay to operate without asking me if thats what he really thought


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: dental abscess
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2014, 10:44:25 AM »

I'm sorry you are having so much trouble.
Sounds like things could have been done differently by your vet. When my first chinchilla had symptoms of malocclusion I arranged for them to call me with a diagnosis so I had the option to have him euthanized, which I did opt for when they found problems, because recovery from that is very unlikely and usually requires regular filings of the teeth which is very expensive.

If that happened to me I think I would try to get the euthanasia fee waived if the treatment fails but legally you probably authorized the vet to do that when you signed the admission forms they gave you. It should all be in writing.

As with any antibiotic treatment (I know I sound like a broken record but I've seen a this happen way too many times) monitor carefully for anorexia and begin hand feeding if it occurs. If you don't catch it early you will loose your pet to bowel stasis.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2014, 05:35:24 PM by GrayRodent »
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Re: dental abscess
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2014, 02:26:40 PM »

Thank you so much for your reply, this is a very helpful site. I have scales to weigh her. I have seen her eating today, Im continuing to treat by just cleaning and giving antibiotics. I dont have much hope but am trying to do whatever I can.


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Re: dental abscess
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2014, 05:25:26 AM »

thought Id post an update...

First vet:- said hed filled her teeth on the bottom which was causing the problem, removed a loose tooth, drained abscess but said he wouldnt be able to cut abscess out without removing half her jaw. Said theres nothing else he could do, forgot to give us antibiotics and send us on our way.

Visited another vet that was recommended as being an exotic specialist:- they said theyre confused by her previous vet records because she has all her teeth, her teeth needed filling because they were overgrown on the top which has caused the problem, and they said the abscess isnt in her jaw at all its in the muscle in her cheek.

Shes had it removed, and an antibiotic pill put in her cheek. Vet said theyre optimistic, but she will need her teeth looked at at regular intervals to see how theyre wearing.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: dental abscess
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2014, 06:02:50 AM »

Sounds like you found a vet that knows what they are doing. Wow, what a mess!
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.
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