Very nice layout!
On the page that talks about getting a second chinchilla, I would suggest mentioning the quarantine period that is necessary.
You have temperature conflicts on the "Buying a Chinchilla" page. In one place, you say that they cannot survive well in temperatures above the mid-70s. Later, you say they are good pets if you keep your house under 80 degrees. On this same page, you mention pine being safe, but you may wish to specify that
kiln-dried pine is safe.
The information is a bit hard to navigate... I seemed to be going through a continuous loop trying to make sure I read everything there was.

If you are in the gallery and select an album, you can't go back to select another album without clicking on the "Gallery" link on the left again. (Or, if you can, it's not apparent to me.)
Over-all, I think your site is very well put together.