The weird shedding look is a sign of fur chewing. This one started after an infected nipple almost a year ago.

Now it just seems to be behavioral. We've been trying various things. We finally attempted putting her with another chin and giving her a constant dust bath in her cage so long as her skin doesn't get irritated. We'll see if her fur begins to even out again. She improved slightly around last April and then started chewing again when we moved to a new house in July.
You should have a vet check for any skin problems, make sure the diet is good, and the dust baths are effective enough but it's often just habit and hard to break once they start. Some chins actually like being in a busy part of the house for entertainment. Aime and Katsu get bored and irritated if they don't frequently see dogs and people throughout the day. Their offspring, Sakura, is much the same but her cagemate is a little more nervous. The rest of mine are in the basement but Aisu and Kaguroi would likely enjoy being upstairs too. Aika just went to a new home. She would not settle around the number of animals we have or in the new house. She still wasn't dusting herself. I had to rub it in to her fur every other day. So she went to a quieter home. They really have a lot of variety and what makes one chew out of stress might keep another from chewing out of boredom.