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Author Topic: Behavior?  (Read 2839 times)

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« on: January 02, 2015, 11:20:07 AM »

 So, recently I have sought out a female chin for my male in attempts to breed for the first time; but obviously before I just threw her in the cage with him there was the first week of introduction before trying to cage them together. First off the side by side cage method is what I had used, with my two similar sized cages bought from a local pet store they had equal everything to reduce to chance for taunting one and other. After gnawing on the cage bars, and jumping all over the place they had calmed down after a few days I had noticed both of them sitting side by side in their cages literally not moving for anything. I would put my hand in with a treat and they would take it and literally return to the spot they were in before eating it. Didn't even sleep or hide out in the igloos I had for them; Anyways I felt pretty confident with these two being together in the same cage. They had spent a night under mine and my wifes close observation in the home together (The cage was bigger both of the small ones they were in attached together.) Everything seemed fine, playtime went good too they really hit it off well.
 Now there seems to be some new behavior I am worried about; The female chin inside of the cage is always behind the male, he kind of blocks her inside the house for them, I make sure to hand feed them regularly (They have plenty of food in hay racks and food bowls) Just to make sure they are eating and he seems to kind of take her food away; Or when he feels like it gives her a straw of hay that I give to him. Is this normal? He seems super protective of her, what does this mean.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Behavior?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2015, 02:08:35 PM »

Chinchillas are social animals and have different social stations. Some males have a strong territorial instinct especially regarding their female. I will suggest this iS normal behavior although I've only had one chin at a time. Usually the females tend to be more territorial.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.
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