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My chichilla made a very weird noise
« on: December 15, 2014, 07:51:43 PM »

I've had my chinchilla for almost 2 months. For the first time ever last night she was making this weird loud noise which has me a bit worried :/ is there any way I can share a video here or to any of you guys? I am new to this and don't k ow how to use this website too well yet. Please help me find out what that noise means.


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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: My chichilla made a very weird noise
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2014, 08:03:54 PM »

Have a youtube acct? Chinchillas can make a wide array of sounds. Was it like a squirrel call, or more of a kack kack sound?
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: My chichilla made a very weird noise
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2014, 08:46:06 PM »

Idk kinda like a kack kack sound I guess lol sounded like a duck to me. She's never done that before so it kinda scared me. I don't have a YouTube account :/. There's no way of sending videos through here?


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Re: My chichilla made a very weird noise
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2014, 09:38:51 PM »

No shared space is quite limited here and there are reasons for that.
Here is an example of barking, a duck like sound.

Barking is typically an alarm call. With my chin he'll do that when he hears strange noises. Sometimes I think he does it when he gets waken up by some vibration or noise (like someone closing a door) and is dazed and confused. Then he'll go back to sleep. If he keeps doing this you may want to run a fan nearby (although never blow a fan into a chin's cage) and the noise will help mask unfamiliar noises. Also make sure your chinchilla has hay, pellets, and the water bottle is flowing properly, does not appear to be injured, etc. It can be a distress call. If everything looks to be okay and in good order just dismiss it.
Some chinchillas do this because their owner runs over to them and they find it gets them attention. It's good to check to make sure everything is okay but if it becomes a nuisance just check on her from a distance.

As always every owner of chinchillas should monitor their pet's food intake and fecal output each day and know their pets baseline healthy weight. Chinchillas should be weighed once a week with logs kept to monitor for sickness as these things may be the only warning you have if something is wrong.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 09:46:33 PM by GrayRodent »
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: My chichilla made a very weird noise
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2014, 11:47:44 PM »

Hi there!  I liked the video GrayRodent posted:-) I wanted to mention that I've heard two different types of "duck" sounds from our chinchillas. The one that GrayRodent posted is heard less commonly from our chins, but we hear it when our younger one is asleep and having a dream, and sometimes, when he's lonely.  For example, on his first night with us, he squeezed out of his cage when we were sleeping (he was small) and he woke us up with this sound (we found him under our bed). It was as if he was looking for his "real" family.  Now, he only does this on occasion (mostly when he's dreaming with his eyes closed).  Our slightly older chin has never made this sound.

The other type of "duck" sound is like a softer duck quacking (imagine a happy duck, playing in a pond or eating).  Both of our chins make this sound when they're happy and saying hello to each other, or to us. I know this because we can talk back to them and they respond--it's really cute. (This sound is different than what others describe as a cooing sound.)

Lastly, there's a totally different barking sound that chins make, and you'll definitely recognize it as a distress signal. We've only heard it twice and it sounded like a prairie dog sounding the alarm to his herd (or whatever prairie dog families are called). Our chin made this sound both times when he heard a loud sound outside (i.e. a large delivery truck driving up our driveway). 

When we bought our first chin, I remember researching and finding the different chin sounds on another website, but I can't remember where. I'm sure you'll find it if you keep searching. Have fun getting to know your chin.


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Re: My chichilla made a very weird noise
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2014, 01:10:36 PM »

Thank you so much guys :) that is the exact same noise she was making. And she was sleeping when she woke up and started making that noise then went right back to sleep but I got Soo worried because She has never barked before. One of my friends told me it sounded like she might have a cold so I got even more worried even tho she seemed fine. She's been eating drinkng and playing like she normally does. I just wanted to make sure the sound didn't mean she has a cold or was sick like my friend thought. Thank you for the videos :)
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