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Author Topic: Food warning  (Read 1854 times)

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Food warning
« on: December 27, 2014, 10:33:01 PM »

I have done research to find that Kaytee's fiesta party mix for small animal food is somewhat harmful. First of all, chinchillas should stick to a very plain diet. However, the Kaytee fiesta mix contains lots of fattening unnecessary foods. Kaytee fiesta mix also is very low in fiber and can cause digestive issues for any small animal. Yes, animals tend to like the fiesta party mix a lot more than normal pet food, but it is NOT suggested that you try this food for them. If they are not eating, there are plenty of other alternatives.

First, figure out what is causing your animal to not eat. Usually, it is due to stress or trauma, and sometimes fear. If you're animal is around loud noises or other animals, you might want to move them into a quieter space. If this doesn't work, try moving the food bowl into another place in the cage so they notice it. If they still aren't eating, you might need to take them to the vet to check their health.

**NOTE chinchillas usually eat a little bit here and there rather than everything all at once. If your chinchilla doesn't eat right away, don't rush into any assumtions. Just give it time and let your chinchilla have space.

I hope this helped :)   
-Moxie <3


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Re: Food warning
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 07:41:01 AM »

Yes I totally agree with that statement. Fiesta Max contains sugary treats mixed in with the normal pellets and the pellets are softer than what is recommended for chinchilla diets. Any such diets should be avoided. Know what are the best diets for chinchillas. There is much discussion of this on the board. What happens is your pet will pick out the sweets which concentrates the sugar in their stomach and intestines. This causes gas and irritation which can cause them to stop eating and can lead to bowel obstruction. This can cause the intestines to shut down which is fatal if not treated and depending on the severity is not always reversible.

Another thing that happens on occasion is rapid tooth decay from the sugar. There is little sugar in a normal chinchilla diet. Rodents' teeth constantly grow out and must be trimmed by the opposite tooth through normal chewing on both food and chew toys. If either tooth in the pair gets compromised uneven wear leads to malocclusion where a portion of one tooth grows past another. This is called a tooth spur, or spike, and it eventually grows into the jaw like a knife blade. If it changes the angle of the root or jaw structure it can never grow straight again and the animal must have regular and very expensive tooth filings by an experienced veterinary specialist to survive. Diagnosis is also very expensive and requires anesthesia.

An improper diet might not kill your pet right away but may dramatically reduce its life expectancy by causing liver problems, malocclusion, or acute GI stasis that can be fatal, low weight which results in immune system problems and high risk of succumbing from things like pneumonia, and inactivity from poor overall health which can accelerate those problems. Calcium to phosphorus ratio imbalances can cause kidney stones and seizures. Treats should be given sparingly or not at all.

Diet is simple and should be alfalfa pellet and loose hay based but it is specialized and must be the correct formulation to ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 07:43:11 AM by GrayRodent »
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: Food warning
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 09:56:51 AM »

Yes. About the tooth decay, that goes for almost all small animals. Rabbits for example, if they don't chew down their teeth it grows into their jaw and they have a harder time eating. That goes the same with Chins.
-Moxie <3


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Re: Food warning
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 12:45:45 PM »

It's not just kaytee.  The only food found in petstores that is considered healthy is oxbow.  The rest you have to get online or some use rabbit pellets from the feed store.  Like chin pellets, petstore rabbit pellets are often junk.  Really I don't use a pet store for anything.  It's the lowest quality for the highest price.  A store that does not sell animals and concentrates on food and toys like a dog bakery usually has good quality for the price and will order you large bags or cases.  Ours does have a small section for oxbow foods.  The rest I get at the feed store where again food is better quality for lower price.  Rabbit pellets, dog food, and cat food all come from a local feed store chain.


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Re: Food warning
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 03:58:17 PM »

I don't like petco, but I reluclantly have to shop there. One time I bought chew toys from them and there were RUSTY staples on the package!! >:( that's dangerous and very harmful.
-Moxie <3
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