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Author Topic: Hello! New to the chinchilla world  (Read 3370 times)

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Hello! New to the chinchilla world
« on: December 28, 2014, 02:39:33 PM »

Hello everyone, i am 20 years old and just got my first chinchilla and i am in love with her she was adopted and rescued by me i got her for free my uncle is a breeder and gave me one shes very sweet at first she was very skiddish but i put my hand in her cage and just let her come to me and now shes comftrable with me and lets me scratch under her neck and behind her ears she wont let me hold her yet but i can tell she is warming up.
I dont really know what to post here i mainly joined this forum for cage questions and learning more about chinchilla's i plan on adopting another when i get a bigger cage so they aren't so confined shes in a guinea pig starter kit right now


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Re: Hello! New to the chinchilla world
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 04:15:59 PM »

Congrats on your new chinchilla! I got my chin over a year ago. My chinchilla, Moxie doesn't like being grabbed to be picked up. She likes to come to you and then you can pick her up. Don't rush into grabbing your chinchilla, just give it time and let your chin come to you. Also be very careful about the way you hold them. Do NOT squeeze the chinchilla as their ribs are as fragile as toothpicks and they can break pretty easily. However do not be afraid of holding them because they won't get hurt u less you squeeze them.

if you do get another chinchilla, be careful because you can't put them instantly together in a cage. You have to slowly introduce them in a big room so they can meet peacefully without being locked together. I strongly suggest getting the same gender to avoid mating. Also introducing them takes a while and takes patience, over a few days time until they are comfortable with each other. Don't feel discouraged if they do not like each other at first because it does take time.

If you have any other questions ask away, because even though I am new to the forum I am not new with chinchillas and I have a good expirience with them. Hope this helped :)
-Moxie <3


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Re: Hello! New to the chinchilla world
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 04:40:26 PM »

Yeah, chinchillas don't like to be picked up for sure. Their ribs are not as fragile as people tend to think. They are quite flexible so they don't break that easily with normal handling and in practice you need to be most careful with the abdominal area where the intestines are and there is no thick wall to protect them. (Of course the rule is with pregnant chins is you just don't handle them unless it's absolutely necessary). If your pet is calm around you it is less likely to be injured struggling against you. If it panics and starts flailing around you should be prepared to let it go to prevent it from injuring itself. Therefore the first time you pick up your chinchilla make sure it is as safe as possible.

Certainly introductions  need to be done over weeks and do not put them together until after at least two weeks of being in the same room in separate cages or you will very likely have fighting and serious injuries.
Do not mix genders unless you intend to breed and please do not breed anything but pedigreed chinchillas from reputable breeders. Neutering should not be considered an option except in extreme circumstances.
Anyway welcome to the forums both of you.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 04:44:39 PM by GrayRodent »
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.
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