I have had my male chinchilla for almost 2 years now.
He eats Oxbow hays and pellets and drinks purified water.
I give him bits of dried papaya and pineapple, but have cut back on these.
He eats, drinks, pees and poops, and runs on his wheel,
and all his vet visits have found him normal.
He has wood to chew on, and gets a regular dustbath.
My problem is: He has always, always had small, dry fecal droppings.
I've had 2 other Chins, and their droppings were large, firm, and moist (unless they were constipated).
His are very small, like mouse droppings. ALL the time, no matter how much hay, water, fruit he gets.This has been for the 2 years I have had him.
I have given him critical care with a syringe, extra water in syringe, organic pineapple juice, pure pumpkin- to no avail.
What could be the cause of this in an otherwise healthy Chinchilla? Thanks for any input.