I have named her Tsubura. It's so hard to keep the camera from washing her out. The velvet and white are also fighting over her colored areas. There will be stripes or chunks with dark tips and then other areas are creamy grey.

I will have to put up our new cage design. We put some cn cages together so we have 2x6x2' horizontal spaces. I know vertical is usually desired but I think they prefer more space over just vertical space. Get past 2' above the floor pan and space is difficult to use efficiently since it often requires stair step type designs to the top. Now they have 2x6' plus 8" wide shelves as a second level. The cage can also be turned in to 4 critter nation sections in a square by taking out floor panels or putting in cut out pans on the top. I might attempt colony breeding with a trio in the full cage system but I need more cn for pairs. I have open fn cages sitting around but most are paired up for breeding so they need the small bar space.
Tsubura loves the horizontal cage and I think many people would be shocked at what a 1 week old chinchilla can do. She can easily jump 8" high and probably a fair amount more. Anything higher and she can climb part of it if it's against the cage wire. She just boings from the inside of the house to the top of the 8" house, over the dividing board to fill the gap between the pans for each cage section, and up to the mounted house near the roof of the 2' h cage. Usually with plenty of cute squeaking in the process.