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Author Topic: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.  (Read 11917 times)

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Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« on: February 04, 2015, 05:03:53 PM »

10 days ago a family member pinned a whole bed on my chinchilla by accident. She was sneezing blood, and her nose was bleeding. I sprayed some sea salt in her nose so that the blood can go away more easily. We took her to one of those trauma/surgery veterinary departments. They gave her an injection again ts pain. I then noticed she couldn't eat Because her mouth hurt.We did an xray of her head which didn't show any fractions.They decided to continue the injection therapy. I hand fed her with her normal Food mixed with water. She also ate fruit but on her own. She was getting better and started eating her normal food. She only had like a "runny" nose Because Of the blood that dry ed in there. They Said that would go away.The day before yesterday she started making sounds Like she was in pain. I decided to give her a day Because that was the day after her therapy ended so They told us she may react this way. Yesterday she started breathing heavily Like she has something blocking her breathing. Later that day she started breathing only on the mouth, and heavily trying to breath through the nose. The vet didn't work at that time and I was unable to take her Because of school. I thought about going to the emergency care but somehow I was hoping this would go away, it was also pretty late so sadly it wasn't an option. I was suppost to take her to the vet this morning but she died this morning, somewhat before we had to take off. The vets Said she would have a Full recovery and I want to know why this happend. I also thought about it being my fault for not hand feeding her yesterday, she was gagging Because it was in the way of her breathing and I felt sorry for her and was gonna Wait for professional advice. I'm afraid of the fact did she dehydrate, but it was probably less than 24 hours if she didn't get water. Or was it the breeding problems? I feel so sorry for her, she was 6 years old, I miss her so much already.


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Re: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2015, 07:07:37 PM »

They should have xrayed the whole chinchilla.  Most likely the breathing problem had nothing to do with the head.  Internal bleeding or fluid buildup from damage probably collected around the heart, lungs, or both and made it hard to get enough oxygen and keep the heart beating.  Breathing issues are frequently heart issues.


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Re: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2015, 09:34:48 PM »

There are a large number of potential contributing causes with something that traumatic. You may opt for a necropsy if you want to know more and pay your vet to do that. You'll need to get it refrigerated ASAP. Do not freeze.
Obviously there was internal damage and bleeding. On animals as small as chinchillas even things that may seem small to us are quite large in scale to them. Chinchillas bones are very small which makes them very flexible and resistant to fracturing from blunt forces with the long bones of the legs being the exception. So there could have been trauma not visible to the radiographs. Soft tissue injuries to the lungs and heart, like kageri implied, could easily have been present.
I am very sorry for your loss. Such accidents are awful and not always preventable. It sounds to me like you have done everything right and reasonable under the circumstances. There are no guarantees that even an expert veterinarian could have kept it alive.

Also wanted to say that I would be surprised if you don't have a full set of xrays. If it was the head only then you may have an incompetent veterinarian.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 07:06:25 AM by GrayRodent »
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2015, 04:55:06 PM »

Thank you all for your answers. They actually helped a lot. I was surprised about the only head xrays too. We already buried her so we can't do a necropsy. I hope there won't be a next time for this kind of thing, but if there will I'll demand a full body check up :-\ . I appreciate your help. Thank you!

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Re: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2015, 08:29:50 AM »

There was likely internal damage to an organ, internal bleeding or she went into shock. Very sorry for your loss
Elaine McFee and Kristy Morici
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Re: Why did my chinchilla die? I miss her so much.
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2015, 06:59:07 PM »

Thank you for your answer. I'm sad she died so young, for a chinchilla that is.
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