Now that my chins are back to normal health i wanted all 3 to start there bonding, well all that happened was the smaller one (chico) kepts chasing one of my older chins (chonchi) my other chin (chachi) doesnt mind him unless chico picks at him which was whatever between them the smell each other but dont really care that there both there. But there was alot of chasing and some mounting and some fur slips. It looks a bit better then when i first tried introducing all 3 since they actually tried fighting. This time there were no signs of fighting but alot of chasing, mounting and plopping everywhere. I really would like them to get along, if its not possible would you suggest me getting chicos other siblings? The breeder i got him from still has his siblings, he said he would give me one of the parents since there a retired breeding pair but i also suggested a sibing better, chico and his brothers and only sister where sharing a cage total of 3 boys including and the sister. I really would not want them hating each other since chico does look sad alone in his cage, i am not going to consider surrendering him or giving him away since chico doesnt get along with my other chins.