One of my chinchillas was very very ill a little over two weeks ago. She had closed pyrometra. To make a long story short she somehow responded immediately to the baytril and it sorted her out enough to get spayed.
She had very successful surgery and is recovering remarkably well. She is now off anti-biotics and pain killers and was given the okay by the vet after her second post-surgery visit.
Now I have to try to begin to re-introduce my two chins. They lived together for a couple years without incident.
The healthy girl is very territorial and was trying to bite the other chin through the bars.
Has anyone been through a re-introduction of chinchillas that have previously been together? Shall i just follow the normal introduction process?
I was going to start it today and put the cages side by side but far enough apart so they can't bite each other. I have decided to hold off for another few days though to allow the chin that just had surgery to recover even more. I don't want to stress her out anymore.
Does it matter how long i wait at this point? I don't think it will make a difference as they have already been apart for two weeks.