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Author Topic: Fruit Flies - 6mo old Chinch with no Fruit  (Read 1217 times)

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Fruit Flies - 6mo old Chinch with no Fruit
« on: April 14, 2015, 02:55:45 AM »

So, I might be bad at forums but:

I have a 6 mo old Chinchilla.  About a month ago he started getting fruit flies.  I googled the concept a bunch but got a lot of replies and just on my research saying - fruit flies reply to fruit.  So just stop feeding fruit.

However, I only feed the Chinch Man high quality chichilla food, the occasional treat stick and yes, some treats that include dried fruit.  But that cannot be it.  It keeps happening.

I think I got the solution, *blowflys*.  So i have to see what that is.  Actually got that suggestion whiie getting approved for the forum.

So I will look into that.  Last question.  Has anoyone run out of Chinch food?  Can you substitute timothy hay for 1-2 days?   The petstore said yes, but curious the expert opinion.  I spend a LOT each month on nice chinch food and treats, just also curious if this is accurate.




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    • Chris Hamilton
Re: Fruit Flies - 6mo old Chinch with no Fruit
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2015, 07:26:47 AM »

Yes you can substitute loose timothy hay or hay cubes for a couple of days until you get your pellets back. I usually make sure to replace my pellets before I have to. Sudden changes in diet for a chinchilla can cause digestive upset which in some circumstances can be problematic.
Your fly problem, unless they are coming from something else in the room, could be blowflies, which can breed in the bedding of the cage in damp tropical climates or in damp bedding that should be replaced more frequently. A leaking water bottle can contribute to this problem.
If you suspect the flies are coming from either the hay or pelleted diet supply stir them up and check for dampness by smell and feel. If there is mold or maggots in your food you cannot continue feeding it to your pet as it is poisonous.
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