So heres the low down, I've had two Chinchillas for quite some time now completely bonded. They have a huge Critter nation cage + add-on unit; pretty much they are spoiled and have a mansion. Plenty of free-roaming time as well. They're both about a year old and do not attempt to breed, though the male has made attempts in the passed she has told him off no violence was had and everything was fine, in fact she just kind of stood up barked and he left, never once has she sprayed him away. Anyway aside from all this, theres totally no mating attempts at all period anymore; Is this weird? are they going to try to mate again in the future?
I'm fully prepared for them to have kits now, The Critter nation makes for a good cage to section off into two levels and I also have a smaller rabbit cage for any kind of weird seperation is needed, also have a second giant 7 foot home made walk in cage that is empty as well so space is not an issue.
And to rule out any thoughts on her being pregnant is kind of out of the question Im inspecting the cage everyday incase of the seamen sack that falls out and checking for pregnancy signs on her.