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Author Topic: Converting cages to breeding run cages?  (Read 1615 times)

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Converting cages to breeding run cages?
« on: July 05, 2015, 11:41:39 AM »

Let me preface my question with this: I am nowhere near owning chinchillas yet, let alone breeding them. A friend is wanting to rehome her 5 breeder females and will be obtaining a male for me within a few months after I take the girls. I am determined to give them the best I care that I can, and it's my goal to do the best I can by them first and foremost before using them for breeding stock (healthy living conditions, healthy food, etc.). I just believe that's the best way to take care of any "working" animal whether it be chickens, goats, dogs, cats, rabbits, or whatever. (I have all of those, and most all of them are either working on our farm in some way, or eventually will be.)

It seems like the breeding run may be my best option (though I am still reading and studying my options). I would like to know:

~Is it possible to convert regular, stackable metal cages to breeding run style cages?
~Are there directions online anywhere for doing this?

If so,
~Are there special sizes of tubes to use for the male to travel through, and can they be bought somewhere online?
~Can they be made in the proper size from something else and secured to the cages being used?

And also, I have seen run-style cages online and wouldn't mind investing in them next if that's needed, but I'm wondering if these cages are only available to use with one male and two females (as I understand that having two females in the same cage could be dangerous when breeding), or if there are larger models to house, say, 4-5 females to one male?

I think that's it for now. Thanks in advance for your answers.

BLS Chins

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Re: Converting cages to breeding run cages?
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2015, 05:17:32 PM »

You can colony breed if the females get along but that's not the easiest route to go. You spend a lot of time on intros and risk fights. Breeding runs are much safer. Female wear collars to stay in there own cage (or hole) and the make travels to visit the girl of his choice. That way you only need to intro a male and the female (which is much easier). You can convert cages to runs but it's not easy unless you are good with your hands and are willing to put in quite a bit of work. A breeding safe cage has to be 18 inches our lower with no shelves. It can have solid it mesh flooring. Walls much be 1/2 sq mesh or smaller. Most regular cages a baby can walk right out of.
Are the chins she is using you pedigreed? Are they proven? Have they been shown? Breeding also comes with quite a bit of cost. Vet care and emergencies are more likely to pop up when you breed rather than heyday owning a pet. What is your breeding goals? You should always look to improve the next generation. I would suggest finding a local show breeder to give you pointers on proper pairing or go to a show if you are able. Where aww you located? We can help you find a local mentor
BLS Chins
Hobby breeder and rescue in south central pa
specializing in ebony, tan, goldbar, standard and black velvets


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Re: Converting cages to breeding run cages?
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2015, 05:56:30 PM »

Well, having read your other comments saying that I shouldn't breed probably cancels out my need for a mentor, so I think I'll wait on that offer, but thank you! :)

I've been reading on colony breeding and I'm just not sure I would have been up to that at all. The answers are no to the pedigree/proven/shown questions.

I don't mind the cost--I run a hobby farm where breeding will take place with other animals, so I'm ok with that. I am also ok with learning non-emergency medical care, and finding a chin-friendly vet.

My breeding goals would have been just to have the sale of the babies offset the costs of giving them a home. I'm not really in this for the money, but rather for giving them a home. I just can't afford for them to just cost me, though.

Thanks so much. :)
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