Much Congrats, how exciting.
I've only had triplets here once, mostly twins.
All I do is keep on eye out for problems, but 90% if the time Mom does just fine.
If I notice one is not getting his share I'll take the others out for an hour or so each day, leaving peewee some time to catch up with Mom alone.
If that's not enough I'll supplement a couple of feedings a day with kitten replacement. I do it a little different by trying the biggest kit with it first and letting the weaker kits have Mom's milk.
Each chin is different as is each litter so ya really have to play it by ear.
Some take right to hand feedings while some protest and have to be almost forced into it. That's on the far side of rare, but does happen. It's also a little tricky as the darlings can drown with a dropper full of milk in their lungs or air ways.
Keep an eye out and let us know how all is going.
Yes pics pics, we love baby pictures