OK, I feel totally stupid now! One of my standard females suddenly started looking very raggedy. She had tweeks of fur coming from every spot on her and looked much like she was moth eaten.

So, I thought she was actually fur biting from stress due to her 2 male kits being recently weaned and put in their own cage. Their cage is right next to hers.
Well, tonight I picked her up and put her on my lap and began to really pet her down the back. Huge amounts of hair began to come right out of her and into my hands!

I kept gently petting her and finally when alot of the loose fur was gone her coat looked as beautiful as it ever has! "WHEW"
This is the first time she has ever shed like this. How often will this happen?
She has an extra dense gorgeous coat to begin with and comes from Ralph Shoots Ranch. She had a much more noticeable molt than any other of our chins ever have!
Wow, who would have known.

I guess you learn something new every day huh?