So I took our chin to the vet. The first "specialist" we found was terrible and didn't know anything about chins, she stressed everyone out and didn't give us any info, not even her weight! I found another option further away and this guy was great. He did a physical and oral exam as well as standard bloodwork. Everything came back great and he said she was in good shape (especially for her age), which is great news. The only issue is she's still fur biting. I thought it might be from boredom. She has a wheel, a wood house, wood chews etc. I sometimes stuff alfalfa in cardboard tubes for an added challenge. She used to like pumice stones but got bored with them long ago. I recently added a tunnel made out of hay but she wasn't into that either. I was wondering if anyone could recommend some toys that I could try? I'm thinking she may need some more stimulus. Thanks!