I recieved two female rescues a month back, and was told they had lived with a male so they are pribably pregnant. The male had been removed about two months back, thus now about three months ago minimum (they lived with him full time). I can not tell by their weight, but it has gone up slightly. I can't feel any movement in their bellieswhen resting my fingers there. I haven't seen any signs, other than this:

I can find their titts, takes me only a second. They are easy to find and elongated on both, I read this is a "sure sign" and they are "virtually impossible to find" when not pregnant.
Is this sign enough to know for sure, is it that safe a sign? I'm keeping them separated in child safe cages untill enough time has passed to know for sure, but so far no other sign and acording to time they should be close.
Are there other signs to look for? They have not been sleeping more, on their side, nor eating or behaving any different (though I've only had them for a month so changes are hard to tell)