Chinchillas > Cages


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Yes, Jo Ann, it's almost as tall as a person.  The cage itself is 55" and with the stand it its 58."  I like chins to have as much room as they can.  The price is really good too.


--- Quote from: mevachiu on June 11, 2006, 12:38:12 PM --- Besides, my chins do chew the sides of the plastic base and the wire coating , but no problems happened at all. So, would it be ok to use the plastic base and let the chins chew the plastic?

--- End quote ---

No problems have happened.... "yet".  As a chinchilla chews the plastic he may injest some of it.  Chinchilla digestive systems can not break down the plastic so it just stays in the system.  Eventually as more and more plastic is ingested it will build up and cause a blockage.  Then the chinchilla will die.

I really like the chinchilla safe cages from Susan @ AZ Chins and also

I've seen cages that people make using an old cabinet with doors on it.  I have been looking for a cabinet at thrift stores that I could empty out and add shelves into it...what kind of wire would I use on the doors...chicken wire?  And I know the best kind of wood for them in untreated pine, but does it matter if the cabinet is made of untreated pine or would it be ok if the shelves and everything in the cage was chinchilla safe?

I would suggest covering the insides with some sort of sheet metal.  Furniture is usually varnished and wood glue is often used.  You DO NOT want your chinchilla to chew on this.  The metal will protect the wood and keep your chinchilla safe.  You could also use Tile board.  Its white and has a slick side that can be easily wiped down and disinfected.   Don't use chicken wire.  You need 1/2 inch x 1/2 inch or 1 inch x 1/2 inch welded wire.  You can usually buy this by the foot at Lowe's or Home Depot.  When you get it finished I would LOVE to see a picture!!


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