I got my chinchilla a little over a month ago and he was approximately 2 months according to the vet. I got him from the pet store, and even there he was squirmy and hard to handle. When I brought him home I let him out for playtime on the first day without knowing that I should have left him alone for the first week (other than feeding and that stuff). Now he has become used to me for the most part, but he still will not let me pick him up. I read somewhere that you should not let them out for playtime until they allow you to handle them.
So what If I have already made this mistake???
He has a routine playtime every night for about an hour, should I stop allowing this until he lets me handle him?
The second i open the cage door he jumps out so how do I go about this??
Also his current cage does not have a wheel and would not fit one, as I plan to get a bigger cage when he grows a little more. So if I do not give him enough playtime he goes crazy up and down the levels and jumping in the cage, I worry he is going to hurt himself.
I just want to create that bond with him and I think I might be doing it wrong

Thanks for any advice!