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Author Topic: Do you do Chin rescue?  (Read 3871 times)

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Do you do Chin rescue?
« on: October 14, 2017, 08:21:07 PM »

I have posted a bunch on here about my froster chins. I have 14 left and I do not think it will be easy to find homes for these guys. All but 4 are old or have a problem. I did find my 3 legged chin a home so I will not give up hope.

So I had 50 Chins to find homes for 2 had to be put down. I only have 14 chins left but I am getting ready to keep at least 10 of the elderly ones. These guys are a mess and I am taking it one day at a time.

So have any of you ever fostered or helped a chin rescue? has anyone ever had to re-home a breeding heard?

I would love to hear your rescue stories. Even if it was just one chin you helped.

It has been very rewarding doing this and if I find all 14 chins a home I will rescue more unwanted chins. These little animals got me good. I love them. I said I would not keep any when I first sign up for this. So far I kept 2 and I think I will keep 2 more. I will also keep the old ones for as long as I have to. So I might just be a retirement home for chins.  These guys have found a safe home here with me.

PS. If you live in Nor Cal or Nor NV and are looking to adopt a chinchilla in need let me know.

Here are some of the ones that have found happy homes.

Spot by Sarah  Ireland, on Flickr

jenga by Sarah  Ireland, on Flickr

20170912_103657 by Sarah  Ireland, on Flickr

20170912_104655 (1) by Sarah  Ireland, on Flickr


I am working on re-homing the rest of our late aunts breeding heard. 30 more to go re-home. I am keep 4.


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Re: Do you do Chin rescue?
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2017, 09:55:53 PM »

That's great. The closest that I have to a rescue was my first chinchilla that I found on craigslist. He was in pretty bad shape when I got him but that wasn't obvious until he developed symptoms of malocclusion and had to be put down. I had him for about six months. He was not tame and could barely be handled. He actually sprayed although he was a male, bit hard, ran out of the cage when I opened the door. He had so many horrible habits. My other two chins are a dream compared to this one. I loved him though and really hated to see him go. I learned so much too and saw a lot of improvement in him before it was over.
I'm a programmer not a chinchilla breeder. I learn by asking questions just like you.


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Re: Do you do Chin rescue?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2017, 10:50:39 PM »

That's great. The closest that I have to a rescue was my first chinchilla that I found on craigslist. He was in pretty bad shape when I got him but that wasn't obvious until he developed symptoms of malocclusion and had to be put down. I had him for about six months. He was not tame and could barely be handled. He actually sprayed although he was a male, bit hard, ran out of the cage when I opened the door. He had so many horrible habits. My other two chins are a dream compared to this one. I loved him though and really hated to see him go. I learned so much too and saw a lot of improvement in him before it was over.

Aww that sounds like a rescue story to me. Sounds like you helped him enjoy the end of his life. Two of my rescue had to be put down due to Malocclusion.
I am working on re-homing the rest of our late aunts breeding heard. 30 more to go re-home. I am keep 4.


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Re: Do you do Chin rescue?
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2019, 10:45:55 AM »

Hi Nibbler. I want to find a chin mate for my 2 year old chin who has never been paired before. I would need a female and preferably a younger one. How far North are you in California?
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