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Author Topic: RULES..Please read this before you post.  (Read 4492 times)

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    • Lowcountry Chinchillas
RULES..Please read this before you post.
« on: September 20, 2006, 05:16:13 AM »

This forum is a way to get some constructive criticism on your site, whether you are looking for help with your content, thoughts on the general lay out, or whatever....

Please start a new topic for each website you want reviewed.


Please keep in mind that we are all friends here and people wouldn't post their websites if they didn't value your opinion.

If you find an error on a website please be tactful.  If you think it might be an embarrassing error please consider sending it via PM instead of on the board.

We are here to help each other and to incourage each other.  We are not here to embarrass each other or single anyone out.


Please don't be embarrassed if members find errors in your site.  We all have done it at some point.  Just like when you wrote a paper for school and had a friend proof-read it, that is all we are doing here.  :)


There are many aspects of caring for chinchillas that just are not black and white.  We all feed different foods, care for our chinchillas a little differently, dust at different times, etc.  If you are reading someones site to review it and disagree with something they said consider where this is a serious error that would cause the chinchilla harm, or if its just a difference of opinion.  You are welcome to tell us how you would do it differently, but don't start an argument on which person's way might be the "best way".

Please keep your criticisms upbeat and positive.  We are here to encourage not embarrass.   |hugs|
« Last Edit: September 20, 2006, 06:08:05 AM by chinclub »

 Lowcountry Chinchillas
 Walterboro, South Carolina
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