I've had a chinchilla before, but I got him somewhere in the 1-2 year old region, as his first owners were in waaaay over their heads, and not very helpful with specifics. So I have some chinchilla experience and I'm pretty confident for the most part (I had him 9 years before he sadly passed away) but I'm getting a 3-month-old from a breeder (in about 2 weeks) and have been doing lots of research into juveniles and have a couple of questions. (The more I learn the madder I get at the start my poor Gizmo got- but here's not the place for that rant

) ok so-
1) I've got a smaller cage coming for Torin, but it's solid bottomed and my old one had a pull out tray at the bottom with not exactly mesh, but holes in for waste (I've kept it for when he's bigger), especially until he's somewhat house trained and has picked his corner or what not, how do you stop him becoming dirty? Like I get the wood chips/ fleece whatever you use is absorbent... but surely he's still paddling through it? Do you just keep checking it and swap it out constantly or am I overestimating how wet/ unhygienic it gets?
2) I get the no play time thing until he's bigger, but at what point does handling become playtime? can he come out and wander across my knee if/ when he's that comfortable with me? or is it strictly cage bound contact to start?
3) Playtime seems to be pretty universally ok'd at 6 months, (yes?) but bigger cages and higher perches and things (like wheels) are mentioned anywhere from 6-12 months, is this owner preference or vary chin to chin. Is there a check? like when they can handle X they're ready for Y? or do they basically let you know when they've outgrown their surroundings?
4) Someone, I think on this site, had said about rocks in the bottom of the cage to vary textures underfoot, is there any Do's and Don'ts with this other than the obvious sturdiness (cant fall/tip) and cleanliness?
5) Oh, as a catch-all- is there anything you wish you'd known before you got little ones?
I'm probably overthinking it, and I'll no doubt have more questions at some point, but any wisdom is appreciated.
Thanks All