ALright this isn't normal, I was giving Silver her nightly treat and she was chewing it when she stopped and her body jumped a bit and she would give out 4 or 5 whines, she did it 2 or 3 times and then went back to the normal "Give me more treats!" look. I can't find the sound she made or any description anywhere so figured I would post here. Might be best in another forum but it is somewhat of a question.
Has anyone heard of that before? She did it 3 times, sort of looked like hiccups like my hamsters get, only with 4 or 5 short whines. She seems to be breathing fine, is as active as ever, a super healthy appetite, drinks plenty of water. Am I being overly cautious or should I really be concerned?
EDIT: Alright update to the sound, I actually found a site that has the closest.'
Sound #5
Two barks is the "alert the herd" noise chinchillas make when stressed or frightened. she sits there then jumped a bit like she has hiccups, like I said from watching the hamsters, and then she makes the noises. Did it 3 times in a row before stopping. Is it hiccups, could she have a problem, or am I just being to cautious about her?
Thanks again.