Chinchillas > Cages

Cage Ideas?

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Daisy seems bored. I have no idea what to do, she has Wood-chews, 2 huts and 1 wheel along with her food and water. I don't see a topic around her, but whats in your cage? My ferrets cage is full of stuff like blankets, e.t.c. and when I saw Daisy's cage it was like Blah... So I'm pretty much open to anything! Let me know!

Hi there,

Several of my chins have these cubes (link below) in their cages hanging from the cage top wire.  Like I said only a few of mine have it!  Some do very well with these and the comfy cube stays intact forever and some chins like to chew them up.  You do not want them to chew these because as we all know this is not good for them to swallow!  If they start to chew remove the cube right away!

 Product Name: Super Sleepers- Comf-E-Cube
Item Number: 62264 
Size: 10"L x 10"W x 10"H

Here is the info on it from SuperPet's site...........

I loved the idea of putting a bed in her cage but it was just the pooping/peeing matter. Daisy old owner had her in a hut with a bed under it. I liked it but it smelled so much of Urine. I'll check it out! Thanks!

A few things Cheech loves:
A wooden parrot ladder put in horizontally so he can climb on it. This lasts less than two weeks as he will chew through the rungs. :)
A dangly wooden parrot toy with lots of different shapes of wood. He didn't touch this until about two weeks ago when we bought him a new cage, then he suddenly realised he had it. This one is good because as he tries to chew it it spins round and it's more of a challenge. Just have to watch he doesn't start to eat the string holding it together.
Cardboard tubes. For a large portion of the day all you can see is a wobbling tube with a tail. Again just have to make sure he doesn't eat the cardboard. I've found that he will eat some makes but not others. And he loves cardboard boxes, like the the large ones you buy cans of coke-a-cola in, but he's started to eat the cardboard so I had to stop giving them to him.
And his favourite toy is a new one which is two mineral blocks tied to three slices of branch. He will even sleep with this one. :)
I tried to find a picture but they don't have one on their website.


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