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Author Topic: Your Chin's Heart  (Read 4563 times)

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Jo Ann

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Your Chin's Heart
« on: July 02, 2006, 12:47:16 PM »

Jo Ann
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This is a topic from another section that we are moving part of it to Breeding 101 ... the part that pertains to breeding.     

Joyce ... tell every one about the stethiscope and what you did!  I'm green with envy!!! 

Jo Ann 


Hi Jo Ann, you are so funny!!!

Hi All,  Jo Ann is just fascinated with this whole thing.  I love you Jo Ann. 
My husband & I listened to our "kit(s) to be" heartbeat(s) a few nights ago.  Dr. Mike is a pediatric cardiac anesthesiologist and we are really big on listening to all of the hearts in our chinnie herd.  He uses a special stethoscope designed for preemies/newborns. 
So, the other night "Mia, my soon to be momma" came out to visit me and sat quietly on my lap.  I gave her some loose alfalfa hay to munch as a distraction.  I had actually already put the end of the stethoscope in the palm of my hand between my forefinger & middle finger facing upward.  I kind of just let her come over it and sit belly down on my palm.  Mike found the kit(s) heartbeat(s) right away, then I listened.  It was totally amazing to be able to hear these little, very quick heartbeat(s) inside of their momma.  The beats are very soft & really quick, not nearly as strong or loud as mommas, so it is hard to tell how many kits are actually in there at this point!  We'll find out soon enough!
Now keep this in mind.....Mia is a very calm chinchilla and is used to coming out willingly and being handled.   She is very attached to me and trusts me!  So this whole thing works well with her. She is also familiar with a stethoscope. But, some pregnant mommas may not be so complient.  So, if you ever decide to listen to the baby heartbeats inside of momma, make sure you begin very early on to get mom used to a stethoscope.  Do not want to stress her out.  Be extremely gentle and let her belly gently rest on your palm with the head of the stethoscope between your fingers face up and level with the palm of your hand...not sticking up and poking her..  Never poke or probe the belly.  Never chase her around the cage trying to catch her!  Any stress can cause her to abort the babies.  I have a female or two I would never even attempt this with if they were pregnant!!! 
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« Reply #14 on: Today at 09:14:17 AM »     

Jo Ann & Jamie,
Think we should relocate these last 2 posts from Jo Ann & I and begin a new thread?   
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« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 12:59:36 PM by Jo Ann »
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Jo Ann

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Re: Your Chin's Heart
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2006, 12:51:38 PM »

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Jr. Member
Posts: 82

« Reply #15 on: Today at 11:20:22 AM »     

Now that's way cool Joyce.
I couldn't warrent purchasing a stethoscope for the chins, but I may have reason to purchase hear hear my daughters baby's heart beat. She just found out she is pregnant.
Would a regular stethiscope work ya think?

Yes Andrea many of us feel bad for pet shop chins/animals.
It's a fight sometimes not to take them all home.
The thing is when you buy pet shop animals they will replace them with new ones, and we can't buy them all.
I'm of the mind now if I leave them there they won't buy another.
The longer they are there the harder it gets to sell them, and maybe they will not bring in another as they don't sell.

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Breeding chins on the Rock
Yes, we are all different. Different customs, different foods, different mannerisms, different languages, but not so different that we cannot get along with one another. If we will disagree without being disagreeable.    J. Martin Kohe American P
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« Reply #16 on: Today at 11:53:02 AM »     
Hey there Debbie, "CONGRATULATIONS"!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now that is very exciting!!!!!
Yes, Mike said you would be able to hear a human fetus heartbeat through mom's belly with a regular stethoscope!  But not until a while into her pregnancy.  She can ask her obstetrician when you can hear it with a stethoscope through mom's belly.  Mike thinks it is not until the second trimester.  Maybe end of trimester 2.  That would be very cool to hear, bet it'll bring tears of joy to your eyes!  It would mine!   Let us know how it goes and give us updates on your daughter.   
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Jr. Member
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« Reply #17 on: Today at 12:30:13 PM »     

Thanks Joyce,
I've been biting my tongue, but all seems well, at 7 weeks.
We've been trying to get her pregnant for a year.
I say we because I would even call the last couple of months, just to remind them of her ovulation  We've had a ball, and will with the pregnancy.The baby will be the bestest, me a Granny.
She emailed me her positive preg test, well they heard me in town I'm sure.
I get teared up now every time I see her.
I had a stethoscope for listening to my kids heart beats.
I have even tried to listen to the chins bellies when pregnant.  with my ear to her side.
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Breeding chins on the Rock
Yes, we are all different. Different customs, different foods, different mannerisms, different languages, but not so different that we cannot get along with one another. If we will disagree without being disagreeable.    J. Martin Kohe American P
« Last Edit: July 02, 2006, 01:02:45 PM by Jo Ann »
There are no dumb questions ...
    Only regrets they were not asked ...

Luv 'N Chins (Kid Friendly)
My Little Jamie

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