Hi everyone

We just got a new chin on Sunday - she's our first ever! She is so adorable and sweet. From the second day in our home, she was curious about me, sniffing me through the bars, nibbling my fingers, taking food (hay) from my hand. Today is the second time I've taken her out of her cage to play on the floor. She's on a tile floor, but she just sits there, staring at me. At first, she hopped around and sniffed everything, but now she just sits. I bought her some blocks (small wood ones) and some chew toys (plain wood again) and a large box to jump on, a bath house (with dust), and a small box to jump on. She doesn't seem interested in the toys at all - and wouldn't go into the bathhouse. I think I'm going to try putting the dust into the smaller box to see if she likes the open air better (she doesn't go into her hide box in the cage either - she prefers to "hide" on top of it - it's in the back corner of her cage) but I don't know how to get her to play. She'll jump around the cage a bit, but she's more curious and into sniffing everything than running around. Is there something else I could be doing or could she just be a laid back kind of chin?