Thanks for your concern Jo Ann. It worries me a bit.
When I said that April 15th was the 111th day, that meant that it was 111 days since her last litter was born, I was counting incase the male got to her before I did that day. But it definitely wasnt a breed back since Im still waiting for them.
I can still see the babies moving, more than ever now. I even video taped it on my phone.
I can still feel them too, at the base of her tail, near her rear. I havent poked around, I know how bad this can be. i gently rest my hand there when shes laying down.
It looks like she has an inner tube on each side of her belly, when she lays down the sides are just buldging out from her.
So if I noticed the babies move on the 22nd, it has been 2 weeks and 1 day exactly since then. She weighed 777grams that day, and yesterday she weighed 847.6 grams.
She looks so uncomfortable. I bought a small kitten bed for her to lay in, and she hasnt gotten out of it unless I come and open the door. I had to push her food bowl and her hay next to the bed so she could eat.
I keep saying shes on bed rest.

But I just want her to be ok, and the babies to be healthy.
I dont want anything to happen to her. Thats why I have been so worried, I know they normally dont need help but I cant help but think, What if she needs a Section?
Have you ever seen or heard of Chins getting C Sections?