So I got home from work today and still no babies. I even check on her during my lunch hour.
I took the perches out. She cant reach them right now so theres no point in having them in there. You are so right, i thought about letting her out for a little bit to let her run around. Maybe thats what she needs.
I am washing her bed today to make it cleaner, she peed on it a few times.
Even though this isnt my first litter, it still helps to hear things in repetition. Sometimes I forgot certain facts or different ways to handle something. So dont hesitate to say what your thinking! Im still learning too, so I can always use the pep talks.
Im going to call my exotic vet tomorrow evening if I dont see anything coming before then. It seems like she should have had them by now. but you said if her litter is larger, than it might take a while longer. So thats what Im hoping for. I was nervous that the babies would be too big for her to deliver. Even though the male is smaller than her, it still made me nervous when I can feel them moving so much, but nothign coming out! The thought crossed my mind, what if they cant fit?
So Im hoping for a large litter to ease my mind about the long wait.
The divider is not solid, but more of a real thick metal grid. Kinda like the ones you put on a grill. I can take a picture of it.
Im having breeding runs made for me too, so that will help in the future.
She is Very Antsy. Ill let her run around.
Im going to post some of the recent pictures of her and her large self. Ill weigh her tonight too and let you know how much shes gained since yesterday.
I just dont want to resort to C Section. I think shell be ok, its just the longer the wait, the more nervous I get.
Pardon the way her fur looks. I anticipated a birth a few weeks ago, so she hasnt had on in a long while. I dont want to risk it right now.
You can see the grid in the background in some of the pictures.

Theres a pic of Coconut, her mate. All he does since I separated them is sit on that high perch and sleep and watch her. Comes down to eat and drink and thats it.