Thanks for thinking of myself and my Ki. I really appreciate all the help and support.
I have some pictures. The other camera isnt working, so I had to retake some with my Fiances camera. So I will have better ones tomorrow.
T4 Pink White Male 43 g

(lighting isnt really good here, he really is white!)
T5 Beige White Male (white with beige markings) 43 g

T6 Beige Female 35 g

T7 Standard Female 46 g

The only thing I worry about now is the little runt. She is getting pushed away by the others, trampled on and I dont want her to not eat. I left her alone with mom for about 30 minutes and gave her time to eat (i hope thats what she was doing while under mom), and to just bond with mom alone.
I have also been trying to give her the goats milk, mixed with a can of water, warmed up, not too hot, but not cold. She turns it away after one or two drops. Kicks the dropper and then struggles to get away from it.
What can I do to make her eat it??
Does this just mean she doesnt need it, and that shes getting enough from mom?
I would just like suggestions for her. Runts in kit litters always scare me. Her last runt in the last litter past away after 3 days.
Thanks everyone! Mom is doing well too, getting her figure back