Hi All,
This is part of a post started by ChinsGrandma that fits better in Breeding 101 ... This part is being moved with her permission:
Re: New chin owner
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2006, 05:36:02 PM »
Ok, I have a question!!
I went reading some of the other subjects and saw a few comments about a "nice neck". In my unprofessional opinion, Cheerio does not HAVE a neck. Do other chinchillas have a "defined" neck? She is one big fuzzball aside from her tail! See here? NO NECK!
100_3671.jpg (7.2 KB, 160x120 - viewed 10 times.)
Jo Ann
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Re: New chin owner
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2006, 06:02:15 PM »
Hi Chin's Grandma,
When you look at a side and top view of a chinchilla when he/she is on all fours and close to the ground, the "nice neck", is no neck. There will not be a narrowing of the neck from any view of the chin.
They also need to look like a "brick" from the sides and the top, rather than a triangle. The front shoulders and back hips should be equal in size.
From the picture above, I see no neck on Cheerio.
Jo Ann
PS This is getting more into the breeding aspects of a chin. I'm going to start a question on that section of the forum with your question, if that is OK with you. Is that agreeable, Chin's Grandma?
by Jo Ann »
Re: New chin owner
« Reply #25 on: Today at 06:25:31 AM »
Yes! That is fine by me! We are not going to be breeding at any point but I find it all interesting to read.
When I got her from the breeder, she said that Cheerio was a "pet quality" chinchilla. Does this mean that she is "unable" to breed? I know it drastically lowered her price, which was great because we really loved her and would bring her home regardless of price, but I didn't know they were classified in different categories like that by breeders?
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Jr. Member
Posts: 63
Re: New chin owner
« Reply #26 on: Today at 07:58:05 AM »
It means that she had some undesirable trait that the breeder didn't want to breed for. In our herd we call a chinchilla "pet-quality" if it is off color, has poor fur quality, or doesn't have the right size and shape. These things are determined by show quality. It doesn't make the chinchilla any less healthy or wonderful as a pet, it just means it probably wouldn't be rated very high at a chinchilla show. We will also call a chinchilla "pet quality" if we do not know the history of a chinchilla.
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