I'm so sorry for your loss.
I have been asked many times how I do it?
With many tears, and many joys.
It's the joy of the many many times it goes right.
You have 2 beauties to help ease the pain.
I sold a female br.velvet to a young women with a gorgeous standard last year who I was hoping I could mentor some into breeding.
Well it didn't all go well, and one of the kits seemed under developed. Maybe the second uterus as the other 2 of the 3 were perfect.
We went through the hand feeding and all but sadly she died.
The young Lady was so distraught that any future ideas on breeding went out the window, and Dad got neutered.
All four are living happily in a huge condo.
She was going to sell me the black velvet kit, but now can't bare to part with her, how I understand.

Oh and the neutering went perfect. Several my vet has done on chins. No stitches, nothing soar showing at all, and after 3 days Dad was even sitting normally, like nothing ever happened.