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Author Topic: We love poms and eskies  (Read 4459 times)

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We love poms and eskies
« on: June 03, 2007, 06:40:53 PM »

 While we lived up in Alaska we got and had a lots of different animals. We moved to Wi with the remaining animals we had. We rasied chickens, turkeys and rabbits. And I really miss the turkeys, they were very smart. When ever they saw eagles flying over they would hide. We have 4 Pomeranians, one is sold black, the rest are orange. 3 American Eskimos and 1 sheltie. We also have 4 cats, 1 is a bengal. Tropical fish and fresh water fish. Then theres my lads, the alpacas. And the 2 chinchillas. The dogs and cats and the one chinchilla are all Alaskan. The one mini pom even chased a moose away. My mom also traded a King Quad 4-wheeler to get her. It was set up for hunting. It even had a wench and a snow plow. My brother was going to go caribou hunting and said he would like to see Maggie carry out a 500 hundred pound caribou. So I told him she could if she had those pint zip lock bags on her and about 5 thousand trips. He didn't think it was funny. But our dogs are great, they kept the moose out of the rabbit cages and the tom turkey we had walking around with them helped keep a burglar away that was around the area. We are very big animal lovers. I'm glad to have found this forum.   Thanks Kneesaa
Quyana Shannon Seager
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