I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a chin dust out there that has a vanilla scent to it and i thought that it would be great to make him smell better even thought he has no smell and i found that it made his hair sticky and clump together not like a licked on lolipop but like a little tacky i called my mom and she said that anything that has an added scent is usually from an oil that they add to the dust so i returned it and bought the regular stuff i am also allergic to the dust which really bites cause i really like holding my chins

and playing with them i also had a question about the desenex powder i was woundering if goldbond powder would work too?and if there is anyone that knows of a way to help with the allergies of the dust i don't want to use the sand also i am itchy where my skin touches the chin but that doesn't stop me.
also i found these wounderful treats for my chins that they love and it is just like that lava cube they are triangles that go on one of those things you hang from the cage and they come in pink yello and blue there is also colored "lofa" slices for them and colored wood blocks all can be found in the bunny,piggie, and chin area of the store