no problem anytime!! 
Asikovsek, your answers are great and the time and pacients you took to explain is always appreciated by everyone ... you never know how many people you help by going into detail with an answer ... not just the person you are answering, but the many that will read it too.

I use the Dannon ... blueberry and bannanna seem to be the ones my little ones like the best.
Chins need and love routine ... they thrive on it. If you make sure you spend a special time with your little one like clock work, you will usually find them more reseptive. They look forward to play time like you may look forward to that nice quiet cup of coffee or relaxing bath.
When you have only one chin, you are it's family. The chin you rescued surely loves you for saveing it, but, now, you have given it another buddy ... one that is with it all the time, speaks the same language, snuggles, cuddles and plays with it constantly. And, the new little buddy who has lost it's real chin family has a new chin to be it's family. Put your self in your chins place ... strange beings that do not understand you and not always there ... then they give you a human to share your home with and to keep you company ... what would you do? Stick with something you know, trust and are like, or show more affection with the beings that are not always there when you think they will be?
You have to become family all over again ... to both of them ... this means a regular routine they can look forward to having each and every day with you. You have to keep communications open with them, let them know they can count on you ... just like any family member, because this is what they are ... a new family member ... they can live to be 20+ if properly cared for as they grow.

Jo Ann
God bless you for the love and care you are giving these two little creatures of His. They will repay you with love, fun and laughter for many years to come!